August Akashic Message


Embracing the Rebirth: A Collective Message for August from the Akashic Records

Thank you for being here and for your continuous journey through these transformative times. In this powerful message channeled by Nimesh Radia from the Akashic Records, we delve into the profound shifts and challenges that many of us are experiencing.

A Time of Intense Transformation

This period has been incredibly challenging for so many. As you await a calmer, less intense energy, it’s important to understand that the current intensity is here to stay for now. This time was planned for mass awakening, and many of you are experiencing what feels like the dark night of the soul—a rebirth where everything seems unbalanced and chaotic.

Riding the Wave of Change

We ask you to ride the wave and let go of expectations. Trust whatever comes next, even though it feels harder than ever. Every facet of you is changing, releasing long-held patterns, and undergoing a massive transformation. Remember, this is a collective change, and you are not alone.

Embracing the Rebirth

You are a soul having a unique human experience. This time was destined, planned for everyone to have the option to upgrade and experience a different dimension. It’s your choice to embrace this rebirth and the new vibrations. Let go of what no longer serves you, including old facets of yourself and relationships that do not support your new path.

The Mourning of the Old Self

As you release the old version of yourself, it can feel like mourning. This is part of the process. You’re shedding the old to make way for the new. Your friend circle may become smaller as you protect your energy. Trust that new, supportive communities will form around you when the time is right.

Trusting Your Inner Guidance

Now is the time to trust yourself. Your guides, soul family, and ascended beings are all supporting you. Feel their presence and love. Shift from thinking to feeling, spend time in nature, and get comfortable with your own company. Open your heart and trust in your intuition. Your gifts are being activated, and you have everything you need within you.

Letting Go of the Ego

Release your need for control and expectations. This journey requires you to let go of your ego, to talk to it, and assure it that you no longer need its protection. Embrace meditation, nature, and stillness to connect with your true self. Your abilities to channel and receive messages will come from a different place now.

Support from Higher Realms

Feel the support from ascended beings and your ancestors. They are celebrating your progress and helping you release ancestral karma. You are here to guide others, not force them, and your light is needed now more than ever.

Self-Care and Joy

Amidst this transformation, prioritize self-care and joy. Engage in activities that make you laugh and feel alive. Be a student of your experiences, learning from each one. Increase your awareness and allow the new you to emerge.

Living Your Purpose

You haven’t missed your purpose or destiny. Live your life now, focusing on service and the present moment. Release emotions like anger and sadness but don’t hold onto them. Replace them with joy and gratitude.

Connecting with Your Guides

Your guides need your guidance too. Ask for clearer messages if needed and build a strong connection with your soul family. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on your unique journey. Put yourself at the center of your world, and your light will shine brighter.

Celebrate Your Growth

Celebrate your growth and achievements. You have done the work, and your soul has chosen this path. Accept that you are here to lead a non-programmed life and that your experiences are meant to be unique.

The Power of Love

Finally, remember that the answer to every question is love. This is your time to shine, to activate your gifts, and to serve. Your light is needed, and you are powerful beyond measure.

Your soul family (guides) and the universe loves and support you more than ever before. Embrace this time, trust the process, and know that you are deeply loved.

Our podcast offers valuable insights for your awakening journey, simplifying spirituality and shedding light on your purpose. We explore various topics such as connecting with your guides, releasing past life karma, and delving into the Akashic Records.

A perfect companion for your transformative journey.