How we met

I met Stacey on Clubhouse over 2 years ago and we quickly became good friends. Our shared passion for guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys and our mutual dedication to personal growth as healers resonated deeply.

Together, we felt a calling to contribute to the elevation of consciousness on our planet. When Stacey visited the UK a couple of months later, our friendship blossomed further during an unforgettable spiritual road trip. We explored sacred sites like Stonehenge, Avebury stone circle, and Glastonbury, strengthening our spiritual bond along the way.

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During Stacey's subsequent visit, we channelled our transformative Spiritual Mentorship Program through the Akashic Records. It was a profound moment of channelling inspiration and guidance that has since changed countless lives. Additionally, we seized the opportunity to record Stacey's enlightening book during this visit. By collaborating with both of us, you gain the unique advantage of working with two distinct healers, mentors, and coaches, each bringing diverse perspectives rooted in our individual upbringings yet unified in our spiritual alignment. This synergy offers you guidance from both divine masculine and divine feminine energies, fostering holistic growth and empowerment. Our varied backgrounds enrich our collective approach, allowing us to draw out the best in those we support on their transformative journeys.

How to work with both of us


Akashic Record Reading

Receive a reading from two amazing healers. This unique approach allows us to take you deeper into your records and experience the power of both divine masculine and feminine energy to receive a life changing reading.

$222/£175 per 60 min Reading

To learn more please click here


12 Week Mentorship Program With Stacey and Nimesh

A personalised 12 week plan guiding you through your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual journey

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Coaching Sessions With Stacey and Nimesh

Tailored to meet your unique needs, this session will concentrate on a specific aspect of your spiritual path that requires attention and guidance. Whether you seek clarity on a life decision, healing in a particular area, or support in navigating a challenge, we will work together to bring about positive change.



Our podcast offers valuable insights for your awakening journey, simplifying spirituality and shedding light on your purpose. We explore various topics such as connecting with your guides, releasing past life karma, and delving into the Akashic Records.

A perfect companion for your transformative journey.