October Akashic Message: Embracing Transformation, Rebirth and Love


As we move through the month of October, profound planetary and spiritual shifts are unfolding. In the latest episode of the Spiritual Journey Podcast, Nimesh Radia channels a transformative message from the Akashic Records, filled with insights on rebirth, unconditional love, and the powerful transition from masculine to feminine energies. This message serves as a guiding light for navigating the intense changes taking place in both personal and collective spheres. It’s a time of letting go of the old versions of ourselves and fully embracing the new energies, opportunities, and growth that await us.

Rebirth and Transformation: A Time of Renewal

October marks a period of deep rebirth and transformation on both personal and planetary levels. Just like the shedding of autumn leaves, this is a time to release what no longer serves us, making way for fresh growth and new opportunities. Many individuals are undergoing profound shifts within their lives, clearing old patterns, beliefs, and even ancestral karma.

The Akashic Records reveal that this process is not just personal—it’s a collective evolution. By releasing the old, both in our personal lives and in the ancestral line, we’re clearing the way for future generations to live with less karmic weight. This is a time of honoring the person you once were, acknowledging the lessons and experiences that shaped you, but also knowing when it’s time to let go.

In this rebirth, there is an invitation to embrace new energies. These might come in the form of relationships, opportunities, or simply an internal shift toward a higher vibration. Whatever form it takes, the message is clear: the past served its purpose, but holding onto it only prevents your full transformation. Releasing it will allow the space for something greater to enter your life.

Reflection: How to Honor the Old Self

One key part of the transformation process is to honor your old self, rather than seeing past versions of yourself as failures or mistakes. Every phase in life plays a critical role in your journey. It’s essential to take moments of reflection—whether through journaling, meditation, or just quiet contemplation—to look back and appreciate how far you’ve come. Recognize the strength, resilience, and wisdom that emerged from past experiences. Once you’ve given yourself this acknowledgment, it becomes easier to let go without regret, knowing that every chapter brought you closer to where you’re meant to be.

The Shift from Masculine to Feminine Energies

Another central theme of the October Akashic message is the energetic shift from masculine to feminine energies. For centuries, society has largely operated under a masculine energy that prioritizes control, power, and linear thinking. While there is value in this energy, the collective is now moving toward a more feminine energy that emphasizes intuition, spirituality, and emotional intelligence.

This transition has not been easy for many. Nimesh highlights the emotional unrest and identity crises that have surfaced as people struggle to adapt to this new energetic landscape. In the face of this, the Akashic message encourages individuals to lean into their intuition and spiritual practices. Let go of the need for control and certainty, and instead, trust that the unknown holds possibilities far greater than what you can currently imagine.

Embracing Intuition: Practical Steps

Embracing feminine energy doesn’t mean rejecting masculine qualities like structure or ambition, but rather integrating intuition into your decision-making. Here are some practical ways to strengthen your intuition:

  • Meditation: Spend time in stillness and quiet your mind, allowing insights to emerge.
  • Nature Walks: Time in nature often reconnects us to our natural rhythm, helping intuition flow more freely.
  • Journaling: Write down your feelings without overthinking. You might be surprised at the intuitive clarity that comes through this practice.
  • Pay Attention to Dreams: Your subconscious often communicates through dreams, offering guidance and wisdom during times of transition.

As we navigate this shift, know that uncertainty is not something to fear but a gateway to new opportunities and higher vibrations. Trust the process, even when it feels chaotic.

The Role of Lightworkers in This Shift

In the midst of these transformative energies, lightworkers are being called to step into their roles more fully. Lightworkers are spiritual beings who bring healing, guidance, and wisdom to others, and during this global shift, their presence is more crucial than ever. However, the Akashic message emphasizes that lightworkers are not here to fix or take on the pain of others. Instead, their role is to hold space—to offer love, support, and guidance while maintaining their own high vibrations.

The chaos of the world can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to get consumed by external negativity, but lightworkers are urged to remain centered in their light. By doing so, they serve as beacons of hope, helping others find their way without losing themselves in the process.

Letting Go and Embracing the New

The October message also emphasizes the importance of letting go of old soul contracts, beliefs, and relationships that no longer serve us. As part of this transformation, it’s essential to surrender to the flow of life, trusting that everything is unfolding in divine timing. Holding onto the past, whether it’s through outdated beliefs or toxic relationships, only blocks the flow of new opportunities and higher vibrational connections.

By releasing what no longer serves, we create space for new, aligned experiences to come into our lives. It can feel uncomfortable, even scary, to let go of what’s familiar, but it’s in this space of the unknown that the magic of transformation truly happens.

Connection to Guides and Self-Care

During times of deep transformation, it’s vital to stay connected to your spiritual guides. The Akashic message encourages spending time in nature, practicing meditation, and maintaining regular self-care routines like journaling and paying attention to your dreams. These practices help you stay grounded while also receiving guidance from your higher self and spiritual team.

Self-care during this period isn’t just about rest; it’s about nurturing your energy, honoring your emotions, and prioritizing your spiritual health. When we are aligned with our higher selves, we are better equipped to navigate the challenges that arise during times of transformation.

The Power of Presence and Love

Above all, the October Akashic message reminds us of the power of presence and love. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos of the world, but by staying present and finding magic in daily life, we maintain our high vibrations and serve as an example for others. The message underscores that love is the ultimate answer to every challenge we face.

Whether it’s through a conversation with a friend, a moment of quiet reflection, or simply appreciating the beauty around you, staying present allows you to fully experience the love and magic available in every moment.

Conclusion: Stepping Into Your Light

As we move through October, we are reminded that this is a time of profound transformation. By embracing these shifts with loveself-awareness, and presence, we not only heal ourselves but also contribute to the collective evolution. This is your time to shine. The world needs your light now more than ever.

If this message resonates with you, share it with those who might need a reminder of their own light. Together, we can navigate this period of change with grace, strength, and unconditional love.

Our podcast offers valuable insights for your awakening journey, simplifying spirituality and shedding light on your purpose. We explore various topics such as connecting with your guides, releasing past life karma, and delving into the Akashic Records.

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